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Baseline report

Data as at March 2024

This report provides sources and reference points for each indicator and measure listed in the reporting framework of Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality. As a baseline, this is a point-in-time data and reference set on the status of gender equality in Australia at the time of the Strategy's release on 7 March 2024.

This report lists the data the Government will monitor to assess the impact of Working for Women and progress towards gender equality over the next 10 years. These data points have been selected in order to track progress against the ambitions of Working for Women and provide insight into the experiences of women and men in Australia. This baseline report will inform the mid-point review of Working for Women to be conducted in 2029.

Data sources used in this report are reported on different cycles from monthly through to every five years. Some data sources are updated on an ad hoc basis. The mid-point review will include the release of a mid-point update to the baseline to track change towards gender equality. Data measures and sources may also be added over time where more appropriate data sets emerge.

Where available, the data includes disaggregated data for First Nations people, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people with disability, people of different ages, and LGBTIQA+ people. There are limitations to this data in some cases, particularly where there are small population or sample sizes. The Government will work to improve data to help inform better outcomes for all Australians.

In addition to this report and the mid-point review, the Government will continue to release Status of Women Report Cards annually, highlighting key statistics across the priority areas of Working for Women.

Where indicators are informed by targets from existing strategies, time frames and target levels have been included in this report. The remaining indicators outline directional goals, but are not targets with specific time frames.

Priority area 3. Economic equality and security: Close the gender pay gap and retirement income gender gap

Outcome 3.4: The retirement income gap closes

Ref. Indicator Measure Baseline (2024)
3.4.1 Women's workforce participation

The percentage of women over 15 years who are participating in the labour force (employed or unemployed)

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Outcome 3.5: Women have access to homelessness services and secure long-term housing

Ref. Indicator Measure Baseline (2024)
3.5.1 Women and men's access to homelessness services

The number of specialist homelessness services delivered

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