We acknowledge and value the efforts and dedication of women, and the broader Australian community, who generously shared their lived experience, knowledge and expertise to inform this Strategy.
This Strategy is informed by the voices of thousands of people and groups from across Australia including women's advocacy groups, businesses, unions and civil society. It has also taken into account academic research, submissions to the Australian Government's Working Future: The Australian Government's White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities, as well as the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032, the National Women's Health Strategy 2020–2030 and the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women's Voices): Securing Our Rights, Securing Our Future Report.
We would also like to thank members of the Women's Economic Equality Taskforce for their report, Women's Economic Equality: A 10-year plan to unleash the full capacity and contribution of women to the Australian economy, which informed the direction of this Strategy, and the National Women's Alliances for their contributions to this Strategy. We also acknowledge the ongoing leadership of state and territory governments.
This Strategy builds on the work of those people across the centuries who have advocated for gender equality in Australia and around the world. Thousands of women and their allies have fought for women's rights, safety and equality throughout Australia's history and worldwide. Australia has a long way to go to achieve gender equality, but – because of these women – that vision is closer than ever.
'We can't ignore the strong link between women's economic insecurity and violence. Australian women continue to experience shocking levels of violence and abuse, whether that's in their homes, workplaces or in the public realm.'
'We need to eliminate the gender pay gap and superannuation gaps. We need to value female-dominated industries [such as] health, aged care and education. [These industries] are essential but continue to be underpaid, undervalued and under-resourced.'
'I think men are given a raw deal when it comes to parenting, whether it be leave or access, which I feel is extremely unequal.'
'All women and girls deserve access to the best possible health and health care across the lifespan, no matter what their socio-economic, geographic or educational status, physical, mental or intellectual ability, cultural background, practices or beliefs. Investing in the health of women leads to healthier and more stable families, communities and economies.'
'We need to see more women across all sectors with a voice and the willingness to use it! I don't want to be quiet, I want to see passionate women with great leadership from all backgrounds (religion / sexual orientation / privilege / culture).'