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Guiding principles for gender equality

The Australian Government can and should be ambitious in driving change. The Government will be guided by 6 key principles as it implements this Strategy. These are also relevant for people and organisations outside of Government who want to drive progress towards gender equality.

These principles can be applied in different settings, and even in times of crisis and emergency where circumstances change rapidly. They provide a starting point for enduring and impactful action to drive gender equality.

  1. Gender equality is a human right. It is necessary for the dignity and full potential of all people.
  2. Gender equality benefits everyone and everyone is responsible for bringing about change.
  3. Efforts to drive gender equality must be inclusive and intersectional.
  4. Efforts to drive gender equality for First Nations Australians must be led by First Nations Australians.
  5. Action on gender equality must be evidence-based and informed by lived experience.
  6. Gender equality must be considered from the outset, and must include diverse representation in decision-making, design and implementation of solutions.

The Government alone cannot change individual attitudes. The collective action of communities, workplaces and individuals is needed to address the barriers that hold Australia back from making gains towards gender equality, and retaining this progress into the future.